Monthly Archives: October 2008
“More Jekyll, less Hyde.”
When asked if any other GOP candidate could have done better than McCain, Republican Strategist David Marin responded: Only one: the real John McCain. More Jekyll, less Hyde. More thoughtful, good-government centrist, less ad hominem attacker. More calm hand of … Continue reading
“She don’t lie…” (Cough, hack, part 3)
Again, sorry for the long time between updates. Just hard finding time to sit down and type what could be a long story. My wife kicked me out of the house the weekend after the last diagnosis and completely cleaned … Continue reading
Cough, hack
Sorry for the lack of update, but here’s the short version: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Long version: I get the x-ray. Doc calls me up the next day and says he sees “interstatial nodules” and he’d like to get a CT scan … Continue reading