Category Archives: Home
Éirinn go brách!
And a Happy St. Patrick’s day to you! On this day the local pub, O’Connel’s, serves green beer en masse to the college throngs. I, being somewhat of a connoisseur, refuse to partake of the dyed cheap beer. Instead I … Continue reading
Holding my breath (Cough, Hack, continued)
The Valley Fever test was negative. Thus the diagnosis of Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is the only one left. I’m down to half a pill (5 mg) of Prednisone now. I’ve gained about 10 pounds. I want to say it’s all water, … Continue reading
One reason to learn math
I used to work as a cashier at Kroger when I was in high school. It was my first “real” job and taught me a lot about money management (namely how to get it honestly). I also learned the value … Continue reading
“Breathe… breathe in the air.” (Cough, hack continued)
I’m down to 20mg of Prednisone a day (one pill) and I can say that it has made a huge difference. I arrive at work breathing only slightly harder than when I left my car. I can take three flights … Continue reading
“She don’t lie…” (Cough, hack, part 3)
Again, sorry for the long time between updates. Just hard finding time to sit down and type what could be a long story. My wife kicked me out of the house the weekend after the last diagnosis and completely cleaned … Continue reading
Cough, hack
Sorry for the lack of update, but here’s the short version: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis. Long version: I get the x-ray. Doc calls me up the next day and says he sees “interstatial nodules” and he’d like to get a CT scan … Continue reading
I recently went to the doctor under threat of “telling your mother” from my wife because I’ve had this cough for nearly six months. I’ve also been short of breath from even minor exertion, and I have this rash…. Enough … Continue reading
Where I stand
With the Democratic Convention over and the Republican Convention almost finished, I figured it was time to lay out where I stand on the issues at hand, and hopefully explain why I’m voting the way I am. The economy is … Continue reading
The summer movie season so far…
Thus far this season I have seen Iron Man, Wall-E, Hellboy 2, and The Dark Knight. Here’s my take on them in the order which they were seen: Iron Man Excellent flick. Robert Downey, Jr. made this film. He was … Continue reading
Hold on to your butts!
People who litter annoy me. People who throw their cigarette butts out the windows of their cars really annoy me. I’ve always wanted to start a site to report these offenders, but I’ve been beaten to the punch (or saved … Continue reading